Key Facts About Brise Soleil

Brise soleil, or ‘sun breaker’ in French, is an architectural feature designed to control the sunlight entering buildings. These shading devices are not only practical for managing light and heat but also contribute to the aesthetics.

It can block direct sunlight

Brise soleil primarily serves to reduce solar heat within a building. By blocking direct sunlight, especially during peak hours, this feature helps maintain a comfortable temperature. It is useful for south-facing or west-facing buildings that are up against sunlight. It also reduces glare, improving a building’s indoor lighting conditions.

Energy efficiency is a bonus

One of the advantages of brise soleil is its contribution to energy efficiency. By minimising the need for air conditioning and lighting, these systems reduce energy consumption. This makes them an excellent choice for eco-conscious architects and developers.

What do they look like?

Brise soleil systems come in various forms, including horizontal, vertical, and geometric. The choice of material is important, with options like aluminium, steel, wood, and composite materials. Aluminium is particularly popular due to its lightweight nature and resistance to corrosion. Iconic structures featuring brise soleil include the Unité d’Habitation in Marseille by Le Corbusier.

Do they have aesthetic appeal?

Brise soleil certainly adds visual interest to buildings. These systems can be designed to complement any architectural style, from sleek modern facades to decorative patterns. They can elevate a building’s appearance, making it stand out in towns and cities. They are elegant envelopes that create new spatial conditions, especially in France, where architects are rethinking tradition to bring new screened structures to life.

Brise soleil systems are available from suppliers such as

Where are brise soleil systems installed?

Brise soleil is commonly used in commercial buildings, schools, offices, and residential complexes. It is particularly effective for buildings with large glass facades, as it provides a lovely balance of natural light and comfort.

Brise soleil is a practical and stylish architectural choice that enhances energy efficiency, visual appeal, and comfort for those inside. It is a forward-thinking and invaluable addition to modern construction projects.

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