The latest trend in the business world has shown good leaders that teamwork and competition are essential for success and focusing on just one is not enough. How could two different concepts coexist in the same work culture? Well, it’s all about striking the perfect balance between co-workers collaborating effectively and maintain the space and encouragement for personal growth.
Here are some ideas to foster a culture that includes teamwork and focus on highly skilled competition:
Focus on communication
For true teamwork it is important to work and spend time with various partners across the entire enterprise, not just those you directly work with every day. This way you can learn more about the company outside the scope of your job description.
Be proactive with troubleshooting
Ideally, you want to cultivate the kind of environment where employees speak out and don’t just get their heads down and work. To spur this on, pushing the team to be involved in a project or activity in which they can interact and have a chance to shine is for good business. It can be work-related but also taken outside the office environment in the form of the company’s activities, for example. Great for team bonding and combined with a competitive advantage is Tank Driving. Find out more at a site like
Always be open and curious
Spend time networking and lunching with different people from all departments. You will set a great example of the importance of open communication channels as a first step towards promoting teamwork. The same principle can apply to your direct team as well.