A Brief History of Google

From humble beginnings to a massive internet empire, Google has been an impressive example of innovation without compromise. Here is a visual timeline to highlight some of the most important turning points in the company’s long, rich and successful history.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporated the company as Google Inc, and set up their first headquarters in a garage owned by the future YouTube head Susan Wojcicki. Google launched in 1998.

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2002 saw the release of Google AdWords. This feature enabled those wishing to advertise with a desired audience based on keywords entered into the search engine. That same year, Google also bought Applied Semantics, which provided technology to help strengthen its existing contextual advertising programme. If you want help to reach the top spot on Google, consider SEO Services Ireland and visit Ryco

February 2005 saw Google Maps enter the market, and this provided users with a way to search for locations and get directions from their location to their desired destination. It was just one of a host of useful tools to come, including Street View, Google Earth, Navigation, Trekker and more.

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In 2011, the company decided to change up its management team, with Page taking over as CEO and Schmidt becoming executive chairman. They then moved the company to a new parent organisation called Alphabet, which includes Google alongside other businesses like Nest, CapitalG, Sidewalk Labs, GV, Makani, Jigsaw, X, Verily and Waymo. The new structure gave Page and Brin more time to focus on development and innovation, and it’s been a big success.

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