Preparing for Your Holiday Travels

Summer is here and the great getaway is something that many of us need to do in order to get to our holiday destinations. This means that many people take to the motorways, and also drive routes that are longer and less familiar than those that they typically take.

It is always a good idea to re- familiarise yourself with motorway driving and the highway code before you travel – from caravan rules to what markings like these chevron kits on vehicles mean, this helps you to be safe on the motorway.

Here are some of the other things that you should do when heading off on holiday…

Plan the Route – When you are heading off on holiday, you will not only be taking an unfamiliar route but you are likely to find that you are caught up in lots of other holiday makers and the traffic in some places over the summer can be bad.

Making sure that you plan the route, allow for delays and get an idea of where you can stop off if you need to make the journey safer and also much less stressful!

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Prepare the Vehicle

Before you head off on a long journey, it is always a good idea to check your vehicle thoroughly in case there are any issues that could be dangerous or cause you to break down. There are lots of things that you should check before you head off on your holidays. These include:


Fluid Levels – Check that all fluid levels are topped up, from oil to screen wash before you go away. This is something that is easy to do beforehand and a preventable cause of many vehicle breakdowns.

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Battery – One of the most common reasons for vehicle breakdowns is an issue with the battery. Although the winter is more of a problem for the battery, it is certainly something that can and does go wrong in the summer months, and it is worth looking for warning signs that there is a problem with it such as trouble starting the car or problems with the lights on the dashboard.

Air Conditioning – There is nothing worse than being stuck in a boiling hot car with no air conditioning. Now is a good time to make sure that everything is working as it should be so that you can stay cool and comfortable on the journey.

Take Entertainment – If you have kids that are going to be sitting in the car for a while they are likely to get bored, so you need to have enough to entertain them with! Games that they can play in the car, as well as tablets that they can use to watch videos are something that you will definitely need when holidaying with young children!

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