Flight is something that many of us in the modern world experience and can do so relatively cheaply and easily. Modern flying is safer than it has ever been with companies like this aviation parts suppliers working to ensure that the highest standards are met. However, to get to this point, there have been many great innovators and inventors – as well as some iconic aircraft. Here are some of the most famous pioneers of flight…
The Wright Flyer – In December 1903 history changed forever as the Wright brothers created the first machine ever to take to the skies – the Wright flyer. This was the first aeroplane with a pilot that was powered by an engine, and Orville Wright at the helm.
Concorde – In the 1960s, a partnership between Britain and France saw the first passenger jet capable of flying at twice the speed of sound take to the skies. The legendary machine was able to carry passengers across the Atlantic, from London to New York in around three hours.
Saturn V – You can’t mention accomplishments in flight without mentioning the Saturn V. The rocket that took men to the moon, this machine was a feat of engineering, capable of breaking free of the gravity of Earth. The first crewed Saturn V was launched in 1968, taking three astronauts on a trip around the moon and enabling Bill Anders to take the most famous picture of the 20th Century – Earthrise.
Boeing 747 – Known as the Queen of the Skies, the Boeing 747 was first produced in 1967, and went on to become the most popular passenger aircraft in the world. From the first test flight in 1969 the 747 has over 118 million flight hours under its belt.
Spitfire – An icon of freedom during the second world war, the Spitfire was the plane that defended the UK during the Battle of Britain against the German Luftwaffe, and more than 20,000 were built to protect the country.