Checks on your Trailer Before Going on a Long Journey

When you are driving with a trailer, you need to ensure that it is safe to take on the road, just as you would with your car. If you have a long journey to go on, it is important that you check both your car and your trailer before you set off.

Here are some of the most important trailer maintenance tips…

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Tyres – The tyres are the point of contact with the road and are vital to a safe journey. Check your tyres for signs of damage, such as tears or punctures. If you have not used the trailer for a while pay special attention to the rubber of the tyre as it can become hard and start to form cracks.

You also need to check the air pressure on the tyres, just as you would do for your car.

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Chassis and Suspension – There are lots of things to check for on the main body of the trailer, and as long as you find the issue before you set off it is likely that it can be repaired and made safe again. You can do some repairs yourself by ordering trailer parts online from somewhere like this https://autoandtrailer

Check the body for signs of rotting or rust, and also check the shock absorbers for signs of leaking and check all of the bolts are in place. Make sure that there are no signs of damage to the chassis such as it being bent out of shape.

Lights – The lights need to be working to be safe and legal on the road so check all of the lights and wiring are working as they should be before you set off on your trip.

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