Opening a restaurant menu idea with some innovative marketing plans for restaurant to start an innovative food business

restaurant menu idea

Opening a restaurant menu idea with some innovative marketing plans for restaurant to start an innovative food business…this unique food business ideas have all you need to get inspiration building your restaurant business.

The restaurant business is an ancient business tradition that never worries to have new development for the constant demand of tasty food supply and therefore have been established for thousands of year in every corner of the globe. If I want to go little deeper, When food is the basic need for covering our hunger, definitely demand will blow up the supply. Hence there are hundreds; if I am wrong maybe thousands of restaurants you will find any urban area.

Now, as I said there are thousands already in there, you are probably thought that there will be quite difficult or perhaps next to impossible to come up with new restaurant promo ideas.

Well, in below you will get ten of the most creative and innovative restaurant menu idea that may haven’t come yet:

 restaurant menu idea

1. Give a whole new looks to an old restaurant menu items.

Blow your mind with some new unique food business ideas. How about serving Pizza in the bowl? Well, that could be your new innovation in food serving style. You may try to add creativity on your spaghetti that can be taken away to eat on the go. Maybe you can give a try to turn your classic sub sandwiches into an innovative salad dish. Those amazing innovative restaurant menu ideas can be implementing in any popular food menus to serve in a whole new way if you know how to do that.

We can get real Inspiration: NYC’s Spaghetti Incident, they love to serve their spaghetti in a food container which is happily ready to go out with you on the road.

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2. A restaurant menu that offers different strokes for different folks.

Think about a restaurant that extends their food menus to grab those specified customers around the block. You can dedicate your food menus to every single aspect of your communities in order to get something out of your restaurant menus. Sounds like they will be so happy who never thought to go to a restaurant once again in their lifetime.

Draw your exclusive business hours to offer some of your innovative restaurant menu ideas only for specified customer, such as senior citizen, loyalty club members or for them who are define as differentiators. Design some menus especially for the classified customer like vegetarian, diabetic, Gluten allergies, dieters etc. So whenever they come they will have much quicker access to their foods and they don’t have to worry anymore about the food they cannot have.

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We can get real Inspiration: In Chicago, United states, they made a restaurant call Nando’s Peri-Peris.  This innovative idea came to its owners’ mind for treats the very special customer with their own choice of food menus. He offered a free meal for days to them who live and work very next to their restaurant to come and experience all of their special dedicated menus before each location’s grand opening.

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3. Get a virtual restaurant menu to displays innovative foods

Imagine walking in a small American town diner where you would most likely see all those dessert cases sitting around with pastries and pies to attract customer’s eyes and waiting to be sold-out. Today’s innovative technological advantage makes this old fashion diner concept to adopt in modern restaurants with a virtual display case to display all those mouth-watering food dishes. Your restaurant can offer virtually to see all those kiosks or tabletop POS where viewers can feel the real view of all menus, foods photos, and diners reviews.

We can get real Inspiration: Chelo’s Hometown Bar and Grille located in Rhode Island already experiment with these innovative restaurant menu idea into their restaurant business. What they do is virtually displayed a pie case where the customer can pick all those delicious fresh desserts from the internet.

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4. Develop an indulgence restaurant menu theme

You have already seen how “Meat Mountain” one of the Arby’s food menu, which made the big news with an incredible sandwich that come with all type of great meat that sold in various chain’s sandwiches.  It was a classic example of a simple and innovative idea and how that can break all these rules to win over every crazy meat lover’s heart.

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We can get real Inspiration: RPM Steak is a restaurant located in Chicago already experiment this innovative restaurant menu idea into their butchering trimmings in order to produce a delicious buttery meaty rub dedicated to meat lovers.

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5. Cover your restaurant menu with unique food menu

Mood menus……. These little two words tell all about its food innovations and creativity. You can easily develop something familiar to this type of unique food business ideas at your restaurant. Just keep in mind that you are going to deliver such food that best suit to its potential customer’s mood. Dedicating the food menus with the mood indication, which is quite amazing ideas to take into account? You can offer some themed-restaurants ideas to generate innovative restaurant menu idea for the special group of peoples. For love birds offer a menu to enjoy unique foods that inspired by passion, angry pals can chill out with pacified foods or someone can choose the calming food just to reduce his anxiety.

We can get real Inspiration: There is a restaurant named Bespoke Oysters located in Washington DC that has classified their dedication as “passion food hospitality.”

 restaurant menu idea

6. Innovative ideas to provide entertainment while waiting

At the restaurant, most annoying thing is to wait for long after ordering the foods. Seems like its take forever to get the dishes at the tables. So obviously who own a restaurant will try to speed up the service process to run the business smoothly. Well, we will do exactly the opposite… slow down and chill as long as we can instead of speed up. You will serve the innovative restaurant menu idea to meet the customer’s hunger as well as their brain.

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You can provide thousands of ways to engage your customers with various activities and games while they are waiting to have their foods. Keep them busy with paper and crayons, provide printed word searchers or may be crossword puzzles not to get bored. You can also give your customers patrons of poems or short stories at the time they waiting or arrange some digital trivia contests for the customers to compete with computers or with others.

We can get real Inspiration: You will see the whole walls lined up with the real poetry books that dedicated by the restaurant owners and others staffs at Plum Bar in Oakland, CA. Quite amazing ideas hmm!

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7. Provide unique food menus for special customers

You can easily extend your extra mile in the restaurant business by creating some recommendations to get an easy access in two of a kind innovative restaurant menu idea. For example, when a patron goes for ordering a cheeseburger, he needs to get understand what is the perfect pairings with that cheeseburger available. It could be a drink, appetizers, side dishes or even a dessert. Just think how the ‘combo’ things work for a whole day at the fast food shops.

We can get real Inspiration: Gamlin Whiskey House in St. Louis, MO serving very similar combo concepts such as drink and dessert pairings among their customers.

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8. Organize special restaurant menu to serve in designated charity event

Pick and organize a new charity event to get a handful benefit every month of the entire year and let the customers get inspired to spend some money over to your local charity events. Make sure to highlight all the local community causes that are most likely to meet your targeted business market segments. Be engage on social media quite often and ensure your e-mail marketing activities regularly to determine your potential customers find a reason to like your innovative restaurant menu idea. You can display a tally on your restaurant business website and keep a digital display at the entrance, so your customers may feel very happy each time they come into the restaurant.

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We can get real Inspiration: Seattle’s Salty’s Waterfront Seafood and Grill is a restaurant that donates lots of money each year with their restaurant gift cards just to raising some money for more than 300 charities.

9. Dedicate your good impact in takeaway service

It doesn’t have to be the same way as you probably think when you offer your restaurant leftover to take away. Take that as a form of little gift in which you are about to represent your restaurant to get a positive impact on their mind even long after their visit.

We can get real Inspiration: Jax Café in Minneapolis is delivering the personalized coupon on their website just to satisfy their customers.

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10. Let your customers create your restaurant menu

The idea of giving your customer the full right to bring out all their favorite food menus by voting their top picks for coming months. It’s a very interesting and also innovative marketing concept. This could be a whole new way to represent your restaurant business to get along with your local patrons. In the voting process, they will require their e-mail and telephone numbers so that you will have a chance to identify them and notify them when a new menu add on to your innovative restaurant menu idea. You can also extend some attractive offer to them on behalf of your restraint as an appreciation for their vote.

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Inspiration: Dallas’s Kitchen LTO, which is a permanent pop-up restaurant, constantly changes their featured food menus along with head chef and all restaurant décor in every 6 months. Unbelievable!!

End up with some positive thoughts:

Those were the 10 Innovative Restaurant Ideas that I thought have some sort of inspiration aspect to those who want to reinforce their restaurant business effort in a whole new way. Creative business ideas can deliver the best results when you desperately need them. Be positive and think positively to attract all those potential business opportunities. As a restaurant business owner, you must have to add innovative think tank to your business strategy in order to provide innovative restaurant menu idea to survive in today’s food business world.

About Jhonny

My name is Jabedur Rafique Jhonny a natural born Blogger.

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